
External model Generate configuration table from MADX or ELEGANT output Insert locations into MADX or ELEGANT lattice files


load_tfs : Load TFS style table load_sdds : Load SDDS style table convert : Convert (sorted) columns to configuration table parse : Parse MADX or ELEGANT element or line load_lattice : Load MADX or ELEGANT lattice file text_lattice : Convert MADX or ELEGANT data to text rift_lattice : Rift MADX or ELEGANT lattice data (insert monitor or virtual locations) add_rc : Add RC from lattice to configuration table


rename (util) insert (util) select (util) cast (util)

model.external.add_rc(table: Table, lattice: dict[str, dict[str, str | int | float | dict]], *, monitor: str = 'MONITOR', virtual: str = 'VIRTUAL') Table[source]

Add RC from lattice to configuration table

  • table (Table) – configuration table

  • lattice (dict[str,dict[str,str|int|float|dict]]) – lattice data

  • monitor (str, default='MONITOR') – monitor kind

  • virtual (str, default='VIRTUAL')

Return type:


model.external.convert(columns: dict[str, dict[str, str | int | float]], kind: Literal['TFS', 'SDDS'], kind_monitor: list[str], kind_virtual: list[str], *, dispersion: bool = False, rc: bool = False, name_monitor: list[str] | None = None, name_virtual: list[str] | None = None, monitor: str = 'MONITOR', virtual: str = 'VIRTUAL', rule: dict[str, str] | None = None) Table[source]

Convert (sorted) columns to configuration table

TFS parameters (MADX) can be used to setup CS model SDDS parameters (ELEGANT) can be used to setup CS and TM models

  • columns (dict[str, dict[str, str|int|float]]) – columns to convert (sorted locations are assumed)

  • kind (Literal['TFS', 'SDDS']) – columns kind

  • kind_monitor (list[str]) – list of element types to identify with monitor locations

  • kind_virtual (list[str]) – list of element types to identify with virtual locations

  • dispersion (bool, default=False) – flag to insert zero dispersion values (original values are kept if present)

  • rc (bool, default=False) – flat to add RC key

  • name_monitor (Optional[list[str]]) – list of element names to set as monitor locations

  • name_virtual (Optional[list[str]]) – list of element names to set as virtual locations

  • monitor (str, default='MONITOR') – monitor kind

  • virtual (str, default='VIRTUAL') – virtual kind

  • rule (Optional[dict[str, str]]) – keys rename rule (appended to default rules)

Return type:


model.external.load_lattice(path: Path, *, rc: bool = False) dict[str, dict[str, str | int | float | dict]][source]

Load MADX or ELEGANT lattice file

  • path (Path) – input path

  • rc (bool, default=False) – flag to parse comment as element

Return type:


model.external.load_sdds(path: Path, *, postfix: str = '_') tuple[dict[str, str | int | float], dict[str, dict[str, str | int | float]]][source]

Load SDDS style table

  • path (Path) – input path

  • postfix (str, default='') – rename duplicate locations postfix


{key: value} (parameters) {location: {key: value}} (columns)

Return type:

tuple[dict[str, str|int|float], dict[str, dict[str, str|int|float]]]

model.external.load_tfs(path: Path, *, postfix: str = '_') tuple[dict[str, str | int | float], dict[str, dict[str, str | int | float]]][source]

Load TFS style table

  • path (Path) – input path

  • postfix (str, default='') – rename duplicate locations postfix


{key: value} (parameters) {location: {key: value}} (columns)

Return type:

tuple[dict[str, str|int|float], dict[str, dict[str, str|int|float]]]

model.external.parse(line: str, *, rc: bool = False) list[str, dict[str, str | int | float]][source]

Parse MADX or ELEGANT element or line

Note, full definition is assumed to be on a singe line Element or line name should not contain ‘!’, ‘:’ or ‘”’ All elements should contain

name : line=(element, element, …) [;] [! comment] name : kind, [key=value, key=value, …] [;] [! comment]

Note, comma after element kind in mandatory If comment to be parsed as element it is assumed to match

name : kind, [key=value, key=value, …]

  • line (str) – input line

  • rc (bool, default=False) – flag to parse comment as element

Return type:

list[str, dict[str, str|int|float]]

model.external.rift_lattice(lattice: dict[str, dict[str, str | int | float | dict]], monitor: str, virtual: str, kind_monitor: list[str], kind_virtual: list[str], *, include_monitor: list[str] | None = None, include_virtual: list[str] | None = None, exclude_monitor: list[str] | None = None, exclude_virtual: list[str] | None = None, prefix_monitor: str = 'M', prefix_virtual: str = 'V') dict[str, dict[str, str | int | float | dict]][source]

Rift MADX or ELEGANT lattice data (insert monitor or virtual locations)

Elements with matching kinds or names are splitted in half (angle and length are halved) Observaton (monitor or virtual) location is inserted between parts Elements with zero length are also splitted Original parameters are added to location RC Old element is replaced by a line

  • monitor (str) – monitor type to use (e.g. MONITOR or MONI)

  • virtual (str) – virtual type to use (e.g. MARKER or MARK)

  • kind_monitor (list[str]) – list of element types to insert monitor locations

  • kind_virtual (list[str]) – list of element types to insert virtual locations

  • include_monitor (Optional[list[str]]) – list of element names to insert monitor locations

  • include_virtual (Optional[list[str]]) – list of element names to insert virtual locations

  • exclude_monitor (Optional[list[str]]) – list of element names to exclude from monitor locations

  • exclude_virtual (Optional[list[str]]) – list of element names to exclude form virtual locations

  • prefix_monitor (str, default='M') – monitor rename prefix

  • prefix_virtual (str, default='V') – virtual rename prefix

Return type:


model.external.text_lattice(kind: Literal['MADX', 'LTE'], lattice: dict[str, dict[str, str | int | float | dict]], *, rc: bool = False) str[source]

Convert MADX or ELEGANT data to text

  • kind (Literal['MADX', 'LTE']) – lattice lind

  • lattice (dict[str,dict[str,str|int|float|dict]]) – lattice data

  • rc (bool, default=False) – flag to parse RC as comment

Return type:
